MSIG Insurance Application

You must check the information you have provided is complete and accurate. You should also disclose all relevant information which may influence the Company in the acceptance of this insurance, decide the terms and the premium you will pay

*** Insert your Name or Passport No. to the payment reference when making online banking transfer.

Please fill in Email Address You actively using to get future updates.

Please fill in Your Contact Mobile Number in Malaysia for future updates.

*** You are required to follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Select one of the plan from the PLANS list.
  2. Select one of the payment type from the PAYMENT TYPE list.
  3. Follow the instructions to make payment.
  4. Once you have completed the payment process and submitted the form, you are considered joined the plan at the coverage start date above.

Plan E200 - Annual Premium RM 472

Plan E250 - Annual Premium RM 542

Plan E300 - Annual Premium RM 625